International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds

Countries Weeds Herbicides Mutations Graphs References Researchers
(Avena sterilis)

Inhibition of Acetyl CoA Carboxylase HRAC Group 1 (Legacy A)

Sterile Oat (Avena sterilis) is a monocot weed in the Poaceae family.  In Greece this weed first evolved resistance to Group 1 (Legacy A) herbicides in 2009 and infests Wheat.   Group 1 (Legacy A) herbicides are known as Inhibition of Acetyl CoA Carboxylase (Inhibition of Acetyl CoA Carboxylase ).  Research has shown that these particular biotypes are resistant to clodinafop-propargyl, diclofop-methyl, fenoxaprop-ethyl, pinoxaden, and tralkoxydim and they may be cross-resistant to other Group 1 (Legacy A) herbicides.

The 'Group' letters/numbers that you see throughout this web site refer to the classification of herbicides by their site of action. To see a full list of herbicides and HRAC herbicide classifications click here.

If we do not have a picture for this weed, or you can provide a better picture (scan, digital camera etc) please please e-mail it to us.

QUIK STATS (last updated Aug 01, 2013 )

Common NameSterile Oat
SpeciesAvena sterilis
GroupInhibition of Acetyl CoA Carboxylase HRAC Group 1 (Legacy A)
Herbicidesclodinafop-propargyl, diclofop-methyl, fenoxaprop-ethyl, pinoxaden, and tralkoxydim
Contributors - (Alphabetically)Ilias Travlos 
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Ilias Eleftherohorinos

ACCase mutations in Avena sterilis populations and their impact on plant fitness

Aristeidis P. Papapanagiotou, Maria I. Paresidou, Nikolaos S. Kaloumenos, Ilias G. Eleftherohorinos

Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 123 (2015) 40–48

Avena sterilis (sterile oat) populations originating from wheat-growing regions of Greece, developed re­sistance to fenoxaprop, clodinafop and other herbicides. The partial ACCase gene sequence revealed six point mutations (Ile-1781-Leu, Trp-1999-Cys, Trp-2027-Cys, Ile-2041-Asn, Asp-2078-Gly, and Cys-2088-Arg) in 24 out of the 26 resistant (R) populations, confirming the molecular mechanism of resistance to ACCase-inhibiting herbicides. However, DNA sequence of two R populations did not reveal any known ACCase mutations, suggesting possible presence of unknown mutation or metabolism-based mecha­nism of resistance. The Cys-2088-Arg mutation is the first record for ACCase mutant conferring target-site resistance in A. sterilis worldwide. The evaluation of 12 R and 6 susceptible (S) populations under non-competitive field conditions did not indicate consistent mean growth rate differences, whereas the pot evaluation of the same (12 Rand 6 S) populations grown in competition with wheat or in pure stands showed significant growth (fresh weight and panicle number) differences between six S populations and between six R populations containing the same ACCase mutation (Ile-2041-Asn). Finally, one S and five R (Trp-1999-Cys, Trp-2027-Cys, Ile-2041-Asn, Asp-2078-Gly, and Cys-2088-Arg) populations grown under field competitive conditions indicated fresh weight and panicle number differences in competition with other populations as compared with pure stands. These findings suggest clearly that the inconsistent fitness differences between R and S A. sterilis populations are not related with the ACCase resistance trait but they may result from other non-resistance fitness traits selected in their different geographical locations.


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Confirmation Tests

Field, Greenhouse, and Laboratory trials comparing a known susceptible Sterile Oat biotype with this Sterile Oat biotype have been used to confirm resistance. For further information on the tests conducted please contact the local weed scientists that provided this information.

Genetic studies on HRAC Group 1 resistant Sterile Oat have not been reported to the site.  There may be a note below or an article discussing the genetics of this biotype in the Fact Sheets and Other Literature
Mechanism of Resistance

Studies on the mechanism of resistance of Group 1 (Legacy A) resistant Sterile Oat from Greece indicate that resistance is due to unknown, and enhanced metabolism.  There may be a note below or an article discussing the mechanism of resistance in the Fact Sheets and Other Literature
Relative Fitness

There is no record of differences in fitness or competitiveness of these resistant biotypes when compared to that of normal susceptible biotypes.  If you have any information pertaining to the fitness of Group 1 (Legacy A) resistant Sterile Oat from Greece please update the database.
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Assistant Professor
Agricultural University Of Athens
Laboratory Of Agronomy
Faculty Of Crop Science
75, Iera Odos Str.
Athens, GR11855, Athens
Email Ilias Travlos


The Herbicide Resistance Action Committee, The Weed Science Society of America, and weed scientists in Greece have been instrumental in providing you this information. Particular thanks is given to Ilias Travlos for providing detailed information.
Herbicide Resistant Sterile Oat Globally
(Avena sterilis)
Herbicide Resistant Sterile Oat Globally
(Avena sterilis)
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Herbicide Resistant Sterile Oat Globally
(Avena sterilis)
#CountryFirstYearSituationActive IngredientsSite of Action
1 Australia (South Australia) AustraliaSouth Australia1989 Canola, Chickpea, Clover, Faba beans, Lentils, Lupins, Peas, and Wheat diclofop-methyl, fluazifop-butyl, and sethoxydim 1 Inhibition of Acetyl CoA Carboxylase ( HRAC Group 1 (Legacy A)
29Avena sterilisSterile Oat21
2 Australia (New South Wales ) AustraliaNew South Wales 1989 Canola, Chickpea, and Wheat diclofop-methyl, fluazifop-butyl, and sethoxydim 1 Inhibition of Acetyl CoA Carboxylase ( HRAC Group 1 (Legacy A)
29Avena sterilisSterile Oat5029
3 CyprusCyprus 2010 Spring Barley diclofop-methyl 53 Inhibition of Acetyl CoA Carboxylase ( HRAC Group 1 (Legacy A)
29Avena sterilisSterile Oat5643
4 FranceFrance 2006 Wheat iodosulfuron-methyl-Na, mesosulfuron-methyl, metsulfuron-methyl, and pyroxsulam 17 Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase ( HRAC Group 2 (Legacy B)
29Avena sterilisSterile Oat9937
5 GreeceGreece 2009 Wheat clodinafop-propargyl, diclofop-methyl, fenoxaprop-ethyl, pinoxaden, and tralkoxydim 19 Inhibition of Acetyl CoA Carboxylase ( HRAC Group 1 (Legacy A)
29Avena sterilisSterile Oat6740
6 IranIran 2008 Wheat pinoxaden 79 Inhibition of Acetyl CoA Carboxylase ( HRAC Group 1 (Legacy A)
29Avena sterilisSterile Oat5378
7 IranIran 2009 Wheat iodosulfuron-methyl-Na, and mesosulfuron-methyl 79 Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase ( HRAC Group 2 (Legacy B)
29Avena sterilisSterile Oat5376
8 IsraelIsrael 2006 Wheat clodinafop-propargyl, cycloxydim, and fenoxaprop-ethyl 23 Inhibition of Acetyl CoA Carboxylase ( HRAC Group 1 (Legacy A)
29Avena sterilisSterile Oat5300
9 ItalyItaly 1992 Wheat clodinafop-propargyl, cycloxydim, diclofop-methyl, pinoxaden, sethoxydim, and tralkoxydim 24 Inhibition of Acetyl CoA Carboxylase ( HRAC Group 1 (Legacy A)
29Avena sterilisSterile Oat1128
10 ItalyItaly 2004 Durum wheat clodinafop-propargyl, cycloxydim, iodosulfuron-methyl-Na, mesosulfuron-methyl, and pinoxaden 24 Multiple Resistance: 2 Sites of Action
Inhibition of Acetyl CoA Carboxylase ( HRAC Group 1 (Legacy A)
Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase ( HRAC Group 2 (Legacy B)
29Avena sterilisSterile Oat5632
11 ItalyItaly 2007 Durum wheat iodosulfuron-methyl-Na, and mesosulfuron-methyl 24 Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase ( HRAC Group 2 (Legacy B)
29Avena sterilisSterile Oat8908
12 SpainSpain 2023 Wheat clodinafop-propargyl, and pinoxaden 38 Inhibition of Acetyl CoA Carboxylase ( HRAC Group 1 (Legacy A)
29Avena sterilisSterile Oat27282
13 TurkeyTurkey 1997 Wheat clodinafop-propargyl, diclofop-methyl, fenoxaprop-ethyl, and tralkoxydim 71 Inhibition of Acetyl CoA Carboxylase ( HRAC Group 1 (Legacy A)
29Avena sterilisSterile Oat5101
14 TurkeyTurkey 2008 clodinafop-propargyl, and pyroxsulam 71 Multiple Resistance: 2 Sites of Action
Inhibition of Acetyl CoA Carboxylase ( HRAC Group 1 (Legacy A)
Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase ( HRAC Group 2 (Legacy B)
29Avena sterilisSterile Oat5402
15 United KingdomUnited Kingdom 1993 Cereals, and Wheat fenoxaprop-ethyl, flamprop-methyl, fluazifop-butyl, imazamethabenz-methyl, iodosulfuron-methyl-Na, mesosulfuron-methyl, and tralkoxydim 44 Multiple Resistance: 3 Sites of Action
Inhibition of Acetyl CoA Carboxylase ( HRAC Group 1 (Legacy A)
Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase ( HRAC Group 2 (Legacy B)
Antimicrotubule mitotic disrupter ( HRAC Group 0 (Legacy Z)
29Avena sterilisSterile Oat354
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